
院長 : 加藤 隆三
- 住所
- 石川県加賀市山代温泉北部2-25
- 最寄り駅
- JR北陸本線 『加賀温泉駅』 より車で約10分 小松空港より車で約30分 バス停 『加賀市文花会館前』 より徒歩すぐ
- 最高★★★★★
- 非常に良い★★★★
- 良い★★★
- 普通★★
- あまりよくない★
- Miさん(女性/40代)
- 2009-12-28
- 総合評価 ★4.9
- 治療満足★★★★★
- 治療説明★★★★★
- スタッフ★★★★★
- 交通利便★★★★★
- 医療施設★★★★★
- 待合室★★★★★
- 待ち時間★★★★
Dr.Kato is awesome! Means, not only his excellent skills but also his cozy character:) He treated very well my teeth that were implanted abroad, even though most of Jp dentist gave them up maintaining. It took long time to his office from my home though, I saw I DID the best choice deserving of having done it.